Open up

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Those of you with a 4 (or even a 3) ominously close to the start of your age will recognise the title of of a song by Leftfield with John Lydon on vocals.

For us, it's about being open, honest and transparent about what we're doing.

We don't want to hide the successes – and failures – of the things we try. It's just as important that we learn from our mistakes as our triumphs.

So if we try something and it doesn't work … well, here's the data.

Up to now, we've been open(ish) about our results. They're on a wall, visible to everyone who comes to see us, and updated every day.

But they're invisible to people who don't come to visit. And updates are manual. So we thought it would be a good idea to automate them, and to publish them publicly. And update them more frequently.

Every hour? Every minute? every second?

Very short update frequency seemed overkill for our needs. The truth is, though, that we didn't, and still don't, know.

So we thought we'd try to find out what the best thing is to do. And you, dear reader, are part of our experiment.

A key principle of Kanban is: start from where you are. Evolution, not revolution.

And try small, simple things. Things you can get done in a day or two. Then build on that.

So we did that.

So here's some stuff

This is near-live data. It's updated every couple of minutes.


Other stuff …

We're also running an experiment allowing customers to filter our services based on their needs.

This is not live data, but here's the latest …

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user testing

We're also user-testing some prototypes. Here's one user revealing what she makes of it …

I'm a service designer in Scottish Enterprise's unsurprisingly-named service design team. I've been a content designer, editor, UX designer and giant haystacks developer on the web for (gulp) over 25 years.

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