Preparing for Brexit

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I’ve been a small part of a team working on a new digital service to help Scottish businesses prepare for Brexit. is an effort from all the agencies and organisations in Scotland’s public sector to help equip our businesses with the tools they’ll need to anticipate and deal with any shocks caused by the UK leaving the EU.

Mostly, my focus has been on analytics, helping colleagues newly drafted into that area to get on top of their game.

The site launched on 1 November. The data should become richer over time.

Here’s some data

This is live data from Google Analytics via Power BI. The data is refreshed at midnight then every 2 hours from 8am to 8pm, so will never be more than a few hours old.

View report in full screen

Here’s a picture of what’s happened since November. diagnostic tool completions diagnostic tool completions

Update has been decommissioned and its content migrated to [13 April 2020]

 | Website

I'm a service designer in Scottish Enterprise's unsurprisingly-named service design team. I've been a content designer, editor, UX designer and giant haystacks developer on the web for (gulp) over 25 years.

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