On 22 and 23 July, we set up a live stream from the Commonwealth Games Business Conference.
As well as the YouTube video stream, we used every channel at our disposal – twitter, LikedIn, Google+, our websites – to stimulate the debate.
It was a huge effort for a small team. Three of us – including Erica Goodey, who led on this project -were at the event. I was backup and tech support, though thankfully I was not needed for that. Everything went smoothly. Others back at the office pitched in too, publishing updates live on our sites.
So, roughly half our entire available resource tied up for two days.
And there have been months of planning, preparation and practice leading up to these two days.
In all, we estimate our total effort involved in these two days is 124 hours: equivalent to one person working on nothing else for nearly a month. And we’re not even half-way done yet. Much of our planning is around what we do with the material we’ve gathered now the event itself is past.
You can see how the two days were received on our storify.
This was a first for my team, and for Scottish Enterprise/SDI too. We have been a publisher for years, but this was the first time we have been a live broadcaster.
So, how did it go?
Continue reading “Our first live event: the facts and figures”